You know, we need to get the goods ready, make out the documents and book shipping space. 您知道,我们得备货、制单、订舱位。
I'm exceedingly sorry for this delay. I'll try my best to get the goods cleared. 对于这次延误我十分抱歉,我一定尽力使这批货早日结关。
But the mills have promised that they will get the goods ready for shipment within one month's time. 鉴于工厂遇到意外困难,很抱歉,货不能于信用证限期内装出,但工厂答应一个月内将货物备妥装运。
We can only get the goods ready if the factory works round the clock. 只有工厂连轴转工作,我们才能把货准备好。
I am afraid it's very difficult for us to advance shipment because we is unlikely to get all the goods ready so soon. 提前装运恐怕不行,我们不可能这么快就把这批货备妥。
It would be very difficult for us to get the goods ready within such a short time. 这么短的时间把货物准备好对我们来说很难。
Where do I get the duty-free goods which I bought at the duty-free shop downtown? 在哪能买到我在市区免税商店买的哪些免税商品?
Cash on delivery, collect on delivery Upon presentation of the bill of lading, the buyer cannot get the goods after he has paid according to the contract. 一手交钱,一手交货(货到付款)买方按照合同规定支付了货款,递交提单时却收不到货。
It take time to get the goods ready and to book the shipping space. 备货、订舱都是要花费时间的。
Please make serious efforts to get the goods dispatched with the least possible delay. 请作认真努力,以期立即出发。
The savvy importer is able to foresee product sales and choose the best mode of transport get the goods on time. 机智的进口商能够预知畅销产品并选择合适的运输方式及时得到产品。
However, prices will come down gradually although it may be difficult to get the goods within this year unless you are willing o pay the premium prices. 为了获得货品,有时我们不得溢价。尽管货物仍然很紧俏,价格还是会在今年之内逐渐下降,除非你愿意支付溢价。
Tried to get the goods on the crook. 设法使这些东西得到公平分配。
Each saw his work as a way to get the goods and services he wanted& goods and services we produced in order to get the pencil we wanted. 每个人都把自己的工作仅仅看作是获取自己所需要的商品和服务的一种办法,而我们生产这些商品和服务,则是为了获得我们要用的铅笔。
It is very difficult for us to get the goods in large quantity as well as make prompt shipment. 要搞到大数量的这种货物,并在近期内交货,是不容易的。
The goods are in bond; on paying duty you can get the goods out of bond. He noted that the customs value of exported goods was the F.O.B. price of the goods. 货物已入海关仓库,完税后你即可将货物提出来。他指出,出口货物的完税价格为货物的离岸价。
You can not expect us to get all the goods ready within just a few week. 要我们在几个星期内将全部货物备齐是不可能的。
In order to get the goods ready easily, we hope that partial shipment will is allow. 为了便于准备货物,我们希望允许分批装运。
If you get the goods and feel satisfaction. 如果你收到货满意的话。
The goods are in bond; on paying duty you can get the goods out of bond. 货物已入海关仓库,完税后你即可将货物提出来。
As our users are in urgent need of the consignment, please get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time. 由于我们的客户急需此货物,请按规定的时间发送。
Overall fidelity all coins, get the goods back to the assessment of the state not be unconditional return, your friends will love to join in coins! 全场钱币一律保真,收到货未回评的状态下一律无条件退货,请爱好钱币的朋友多来捧场!
We will inform volunteers to get the goods according to the information you providing. 我们会按照您的信息通知志愿者及时接收或去邮局收取物品。
Get all the goods to be exchanged prepared; 准备好所需换货的商品;
Amand: Also hope to get the goods at an earlier date. Let's sign the contract! 阿曼达:也希望早点收到您的货.我们来签合同吧!
We can get the goods ready before the ship's departure. 我们能在起航前将货物备妥。
MANAGEMENT OF TROOPS UNUSED ASSETS Get the Unused Goods Green 浅谈如何管好用好军队闲置资产让闲置物品绿起来
Get the Unused Goods Green 让闲置物品绿起来
Solving process is divided into two, the first one is to get the goods of single vehicle and then optimize single vehicle path. The optimization process is not independent, and easy to achieve the global optimum. 求解过程应用两次遗传算法内外循环进行寻优,先由其得到单车需要运送的货物,再对单车路径进行优化,寻优过程不独立,易实现全局最优。